domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

Fashion in Colombia

Between January and June were spent on Colombian apparel (clothing and shoes), a total of 6.9 billion pesos, which would be something close to what the government gives annually to the Social Security Institute to pay the pensions of their retirees (8.5 billion).

As explained by Juan Diego Becerra, director of analysis of Radda the in Colombia the fashionable shopping boom is due because several reasons.

An analysis of the Centre reports that between January and June, the price adjustment of footwear and clothing was only 0.22 percent. Similarly, there are many more imports.

The citizens were the biggest spenders on fashion, followed by the inhabitants of Medellin and Cali.

Colombians spent money on clothes and shoes more for fun than necessity. It seems that Colombians care for their image more than they care for their finances.

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