domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

Colombian government tries to make arrangements so a Colombian wont be executed in China.

A taxi driver called Harold Carrillo Sanchez was caught in Beijing with a load of drugs and sentenced to death in China on drug charges in April.

The Foreign Ministry said that "through the Consulate of Colombia in Beijing, has been in constant contact with the Chinese authorities and the families of Harold Carrillo Sanchez since his arrest was notified by the Chinese authorities. "

The Colombian Constitution does not contemplate the death penalty for committing a crime. Government is trying everything possible to make the Chinese authorities to reconsider the sentence of Harold Carrillo.

Meanwhile Carrillo has a family that is waiting for him in Colombia and that are trying their best to knock on every door possible to ask for help and avoid the death sentence in China. The family knows that Harold Carrillo made a mistake and that he indeed needs to be punished but not by being executed.

It is necessary to understand that the process in China are way different to the ones in Colombia for drug issues and that now the only hope is in the arrangements that the Colombian government may do with the Chinese one.

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