Violence in Colombia might be considered as a phenomenon that historically has caused more damage and psychological, social, economic and physical consequences. I'm talking about violence in Colombia, which has permeated all layers of society, because it has affected our most representative institutions or organizations. First begin by making a brief history of violence in Colombia and it is therefore necessary to clarify that it is recurrent, and that on several occasions and different episodes has been political, armed forces conflict and drug trafficking. The first episode of violence was the war of 1,000 days, between conservatives and liberals, called the Patria Boba, between 1899-1902,then came the slaughter of banana in 1928, followed conflict stage for change of government in 1930 Enrique Olaya Herrera and Mariano Ospina Perez in 1946, after the death of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan on April 9, 1948. This was the first wave of violence by the traditional parties then the second wave of violence came from 1954 to 1958 when the guerrilla was formated, a group of ravages of drug trafficking from the 80's. Years later there was a group that was created called Paramilitares, they were created with the purpose to defend all the poor people that was being affected by la Guerrilla. Sooner Paramilitares forgot their ideals and started killing, kidnapping and drug trafficking began to be their number one source of economy.
To analyze the violence in Colombia might take us years to understand, but for now the truth is that Colombia has been affected by violence since long time ago and it started with group of rebels who wanted to create justice between the social classes but then they forgot their ideals and started to worry more about gaining more power and money.
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